The BoldBrush Show
The BoldBrush Show
31. Daily Art Marketing Hacks
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For this special episode, we sat down with Olya Babich Konell an autodidactic, holistic, homesteading artist who is insanely tech savvy and the best brainstorming buddy anyone could wish for. Her if-there's-a-will-there's-a-way attitude is one of the things that helped lead the team at FASO into coming together to create the brand new art marketing calendar. FASO has always had some of the best art marketing tools for its members, but the team decided to take it even further by creating something that can give you daily step-by-step guides to help take your sales to the next level which is what this episode is all about!
Check out Olya's instagram:
Check out Olya's website:
The greatest leap in anything is between knowing and doing. And that's where the community aspect comes in. Because when you surround yourself by other people that are doing, it inspires one to do. Welcome to the BoldBrush podcast where we believe that fortune favors the bold brush. My name is Laura Arango Baier, and I'm your host. For those of you who are new to the podcast, we are a podcast that covers art marketing techniques, and all kinds of business tips specifically to help artists learn to better sell their work. We interview artists at all stages of their careers, as well as others who are in careers tied to the art world in order to hear their advice and insights.
Laura Arango Baier:For this special episode, we sat down with Olya Babich Konell, an autodidactic holistic home studying artists who is insanely tech savvy, and the best brainstorming buddy anyone could ever wish for her attitude of if there's a will there's a way is one of the things that helped lead the team at FASO into coming together to create the brand new art marketing calendar. FASO has always had some of the best art marketing tools for its members. But the team decided to take it even further by creating something that can give you daily step by step guides to help take your sales to the next level, which is what this episode is all about. Hello, Olya and welcome. For the third time. Long story short, this is our third time recording this. So this is why saying thank you for being here for the third time.
Olya Babich Konell:It's always a pleasure. And you know what Third time's a charm. And gotta love tech issues.
Laura Arango Baier:Oh, yeah. Yeah. Past two recordings, were a disaster. This definitely will be the one you guys. And this is the one that might actually change a
Olya Babich Konell:lot of your lives, I hope. Yes, I hope so. That is our goal.
Laura Arango Baier:Yes, absolutely. Oh, my gosh. All right. So before we jump into the life changing stuff, which is the best so marketing, calendar, facet, art marketing calendar to be more specific. Olia? Could you please tell us a bit about your background and what you do?
Olya Babich Konell:Yeah, um, I do a lot of different things. I'm I like to describe myself as a polymath. And I, in other words, like a gel of many trades, it runs in the family, we are. My dad's the same way. But I, I've done everything from, you know, working on the back end in operations, and back in banking, to being on different marketing teams. And one of my specialties is, you know, I'm a solutionist. So if there's a problem, we figure out how to create a solution. Also, at the same time, I'm an artist, and which is a weird combination. And, but at the same time, it's been a really fun combination. Because, you know, I've been problem solving my way through some of my biggest art challenges. Specifically, on the marketing end. I've helped businesses like dental offices, and, you know, other, you know, clinics in our area, basically, with their marketing. But it's, it's a little different with art, like, it is similar, but there are some differences when it comes to art. And so anyway, troubleshooting through all of that, you know, been been able to, you know, be brought on by FASO and BoldBrush, and helping them and, and creating these solutions that helped me personally, and will help other artists, you know, like, the biggest challenge I think we have is like, how do we do our marketing? How do we make it so doesn't take forever? How do we find the time to do it? What do we do on what day? You know, all that stuff? So? Yes, yes.
Laura Arango Baier:It's really tough, like you said, to be an artist, and not really have, like other businesses do like a real marketing plan, you know, what am I supposed to do today? And then you can get so confused, because you're like, should I spend all day on social media? Or should I spend all day doing this? Or I don't want to do any of this. And then you're just getting an analysis paralysis, and you're like, I'm just gonna hide in my studio and never post again. And then of course, you make less sales because well, you're not. Yeah, doing the stuff. Right. Exactly. Yes. So this brings us to fases art marketing calendar. Do you mind telling us a little bit about what it is?
Olya Babich Konell:Yes. So FASO is our marketing calendar is a collaborative project. One that I've been able to kind of I'll create the infrastructure for and the design of like how it works based on what I've done for other businesses. So there, there are some things in marketing and executing certain things that overlap. You know, on the business side, however, there's some nuances to marketing artwork that are unique. And so, you know, with input from BoldBrush, and faasos, marketing experts, and even Clint himself, the CEO, and founder, and everybody else, you know, all the advice, and all of the programs that fasil already has had, you know, they have a lot of great resources, you know, to help their customers market their websites, basically taking all that information, and putting it into a day by day calendar in a way that actually helps move the needle. So, for me, personally, the challenge that I had was like, Okay, so I'm going to post on social media, how is that going to help me sell my artwork, nobody's going to my website, like, how do you connect all of that together, and the art marketing calendar actually will kind of show you well, if you do this, this is helping you build awareness. If you do this, this is helping you build relationships with your audience, and you can now sell to your audience. If you do this, you're building relationships with your existing collectors. And prior, you know, anybody that's bought art from you. So you as the artist, not only get, you know, a, it looks like an Excel spreadsheet, because it's built in Google Docs, you know, a day by day box telling you what to do. But based on where you are in your journey, you know, what you you know, what you can focus on. So if you only have an hour a day, to dedicate to these business tasks of selling art, and then you have to pay for the rest of the day, you can jump in there, get it done, and jump out, and at least you know that the things that you're doing, you know what they're contributing to? And you don't have to think about it, you just do it, set a timer, get out, and you're done.
Laura Arango Baier:Yes, yeah. And I think I've mentioned this before, where sometimes, you know, you can, you can follow certain steps. And like you said, if you don't know why you're doing them, personally, I don't, I don't dress something when someone tells me yeah, just do this. It's like, okay, but like, why what's, what is coming out of this? What is the purpose of this? But thankfully, you know, like you said, it does have a purpose. And at first, even though you already know the purpose, it still kind of feels a little spooky, because I've seen it happen with myself, you know, I've been following the calendar, not too faithfully the past two weeks. So because it's been a disaster, but I started following it. And I'm already seeing results from it. And it's literally, I only did maybe like three or four days of following the calendar. And that's us. So yeah, I went back up, like I went up another, I think 100 followers within a week, and I was like, wow, this is crazy. And then hopefully, once I start, you know, following more of the calendar, I will see even more effects. And that just goes to show how easy it is you really I think maybe I spent 10 minutes a day for 20 minutes. Yeah, just doing all that. And bam, 100 new followers, more comments, more connections. And that's what this calendar is all about. Right?
Olya Babich Konell:So exactly. Yeah, it makes me so happy to hear that. Because that is kind of what I've experienced. I mean, when I am actually following my own, you know, instructions, it works. I have seen it work. And it's not anything, it's not like snake. It's not, this isn't something like, you know, people say, Oh, this is a secret, there really is no secret. The secret is consistency, and small efforts, consistency and small efforts. And sometimes we spend too much time figuring out what to do. And we waste instead of just doing the thing that's going to help us right there being on a schedule being on a pattern. That's the secret. And, and not and you know, I've I've worked on putting these things together for myself before. So this is where, you know, we took kind of like my format. I pulled these formats from but you know, my inspiration was other businesses, what do some of the best businesses in marketing do? And so anyway, it's, but the information is unique to artists and like a really good example is so we have one thing on there where we remind artists on a certain day every week to go in. And if anybody has followed you recently, like on your social media platforms, any of them, send them a DM like, Hey, thank you so much for your support. I appreciate you know, welcome to my page. I would like to invite you to sit subscribe to my newsletter, and you give them the link, because this is the best opportunity to do that. And like, that wasn't, you know, it's not something we always think about. And we get so busy, we forget that that little prompt that reminder, spend 10 minutes today doing that, bam, you can already grow your newsletter, because even if out of the 10 messages that you've send five of them sign up. There you go, you got five new subscribers, stuff like that.
Laura Arango Baier:Yeah, although, to be honest, I tried that I was terrified,
Olya Babich Konell:isn't it? But it is it is. And that brings up a whole nother thing. Wouldn't you agree as artists? We, me personally, talking to people. And I like to, I like to say, like, make the first move in that business relationship. Because cold calling sounds really weird. But essentially, that's what it is talking to people, whether it be picking up the phone and calling like your local, you know, business that you want to, that you want to somehow bring your art into or something else, or reaching out to person talking to a stranger, like those are such scary, awkward things. And, and yeah, and the one thing I will say is, again, the secret isn't some secret. It's just consistency. And just if you only have the energy to do it, sending the message to three people that one day, just do it, just copy paste it and do it. Yeah, it gets
Laura Arango Baier:easier. Thankfully, someone did reply to my message. And they were very, very kind and really college so happy to, you know, follow you on this journey. And they were very nice. They didn't sign up for my newsletter, to be honest. So I only like message three people just like you said, yeah, so I was terrified. I'm like, Oh, my God, but wouldn't they feel like bothered?
Olya Babich Konell:No, I have actually a fun statistic to share with our listeners. And this to me will mean, I was so excited when I read this. So in 20, this is from 2022 statistics, because I pulled us at the end of the year when we win an don't remember the source at the moment, but you can look this up yourself. So they pulled numbers of the top the best performing newsletters, and you know the industry. So artist, art themed newsletters or messaging, you know, so artists messages, whatever artists have to say, but specifically in newsletters have this second highest open rate second to government emails. So I mean, people open those out of necessity, they open hours out of desire. So what does that tell you? It tells you, your audience, people that follow you, they actually want to hear from you. And it's not going to be a bother. It's just the numbers right there tell you people want to hear from you. And I've experienced that too. Anytime I get anything in my inbox that's are themed. I mean, yes, I'm an artist and I get excited about it. Even the advertisements, I opened them if they're from like, my favorite art company. But yeah, people want to hear from you. And, you know, they want to, they're fascinated by what is mundane to you is interesting to them.
Laura Arango Baier:Very true. I'll just have to remind myself about that. Yeah, well,
Olya Babich Konell:well think about remember back in the day Mr. Rogers Neighborhood and he had a segment where he would take you into the factory and show you how things are made. I remember being fascinated by how they put the toothpaste into the toothpaste role. Just seeing the machines and things like that which is quite similar to paint actually. Painted tubes. But just what's again to them the people the factory this is probably the most boring topic in the world, but to the rest of the world are like oh, that's pretty cool. So that's
Laura Arango Baier:that's very true. Yeah. Oh, man. And then you know the other thing about the the calendar that I like, since I've been you know, toying with it, I have downloaded Of course, and I've been adding my own stuff, but what I like is the different tabs and the separations that I know are actually based on Clint Watson's, by the way clean Watson as a CEO Clint Watson's our marketing circles which once you look at the graphic, which I will be linking it in the show notes by the way, guys, so you can check those out. The graphics make so much sense and what I love also is that the calendar itself it isn't just for, you know, seasoned artists who have already sold stuff. It's also for anyone who's literally starting out from 00 followers, zero, newsletter, subscribers, zero everything this marketing calendar will get you from zero to wherever your goal is. It could be 1000. It could be 100,000. It's amazing.
Olya Babich Konell:And that, yes, thank you for bringing that up. That is actually one of my favorite parts. And that's what inspired those columns was the circles of art marketing, when I first saw that, because artists were visual, and they say a picture's worth 1000 words while an infographic is worth 10,000. Right. And so when I saw that, even though I knew and heard some of these different things, but seeing just the simple that genius is in the simplicity, and that totally, it's so simple. It's like, it just clicks in it, and you know, it when you have that understanding of what the why is like, oh, okay, that makes so much sense. And then they have a parallel infograph. So it's just, it's as it sounds, it's the circles of art marketing, as you can imagine, when you go to that link that Laura will post, it's a circle within a circle within a circle, and each layer of this, you know, and represents a specific part of our marketing and your art business. And it's, you know, with it, you know, there's actually a breakdown of what it means, what do how that impacts you, you just have to go look at it, you'll it will totally make sense. And that's why I'm so excited about it. And they have a parallel one where it shows, which is really cool. It shows you where FASO helps the artist in that particular category. So you know, an example is when we're posting on social media, we're building awareness, or we might get lucky and sell something there. But the goal isn't to like, go from zero to sales, the goal is to meet as many people as we can, and let them know that we exist. And then, you know, there's things we do on our own, obviously, but then there's ways that FASO can help for example, with their they have like, newsletters, you can participate in contests, things like that. There's ways that you can connect with their audience to, and there's ways that you can notify people that go to your website, like there's there's options and tools in each little layer. And then in the in the center of it all is you, the artist, your art your brand. And then it kind of breaks it down, like what do you you know, what do you do to get that going? So if you're a new artist, that's where you start, and then you kind of you work out? And it just makes so much sense? Yes, yeah. And then
Laura Arango Baier:the other part of the infographic that I like, is that you have those three inner circles. And then you have three outer circles that work from the outside in. Yeah. And those represent, you know, like, you're in the inner one, it's your collectors, and it's your fans on the middle circle. And then on the outside, it's like people who aren't your fans yet? Yes, which they don't. Yeah, they don't know you exist yet. So I like how the calendar just takes all of these elements and puts them in together in such a logical manner, where you are working towards, you know, from awareness to super fans, to diehard collectors. And this works. Again, if you're a beginner, you don't have anything at all, then of course, you work on those inner circles, you've got yourself in your art, make sure your art is like up to your standards, it is absolutely you your brand. And then you work from there, you know, you post. And, of course, we also have in that same section with the or marketing calendar, we also have a bunch of videos and a bunch of things that teach you how to do your reels and how to do everything that's going to help you sell. And yeah, more awareness. So hop on that.
Olya Babich Konell:And when you get to the point where you're ready to have your big studio sale, you know, you've gone through all those things. They even have, there's even videos for FASO customers about how to have the studio sale, how to record how to track information. You know, CRM is a term, customer relationship management is something that businesses talk about the artists need to manage their customer relationships too. And there's really simple ways of doing that. And it's just, you know, we figured out the art part, most of us artists were, when you're an artist or an artist for life, that's your identity. And if the weird thing is when you're like, it's just me creating art, because I love art, but when you start creating art, so you could then sell it, then you start a business and it's a separate animal. It really is, it's a separate thing that, you know, we're not experienced with and so now we have to learn how to do this business side of it, and in a way where we can actually do what we love and then, you know, be make our living from the amazing art that we make, which is the goal The there was a, I was reading something recently, specifically, you know, and this all comes back to, even if you're marketing, you're doing all these other things, you still need your home base your website, because social media platforms, popularity changes. And another thing on the calendar, no specific platform is highlighted. So if most of your marketing is done on Facebook, great, if most of your marketing and your audience lives on LinkedIn, great, if you're mainly on YouTube, or Twitter or Instagram, you apply that to whatever platform you use. And the home base is your website. Because if one of those social media platforms crashes, you don't want your business and based on that, you want everything to come back to yours, you know, your your business needs to be secure. And in 2023, with just how far you know, everything is going digital, everything is we have aI rising on you know, we have all these different things happen. Everything's digital. At this point, if an artist does not have a website, I would almost like compare it to, you are an amazing speaker, you're in front of a crowd of millions of people, but you don't have a microphone, you might have this amazing, amazing message to deliver. And now only the people in the front row are going to hear it. And then maybe the people in the second row might hear it from conversation, they might get the hearsay, but everybody else might not even know that you even stood on stage. And so if you visualize that, and it's like, that is the whole point of marketing. Your art is, you know, they will never know, nobody will ever know. And we we have these amazing tools that let us get our message out there and our you know, story or inspiration. And it's exciting to be alive right now. But it's exciting.
Laura Arango Baier:But I'd say the competition actually lends itself to, you know, improving each other, instead of like, stabbing each other and attack which is nice.
Olya Babich Konell:About communities. I think art communities are amazing.
Laura Arango Baier:Okay, it's 2023. And you told yourself last year, you'd have your artists website up and running by the end of 2022. And here we are, and you still maybe don't have a website? Well, I've got some news for you. If you sign up with faso.com forward slash podcast, you get over 50% off your first year on your artists website. Yes, that is the price of 12 lattes in one year. And I think that's a really great deal considering that you get beautiful sleek website templates that are mobile friendly, ecommerce print on demand in certain countries, as well as the art Marketing Center, which now has our newest feature, which is the art marketing calendar. And the art marketing calendar is something you will get with our competitors. The art marketing calendar gives you day by day step by step guides on what you should be doing today, right now to get your artwork out there and seen by the right eyes so that you can make more sales this year. So if you want to change your life and actually meet your sales goals this year, then start by going to our special nk faso.com forward slash podcast. That's s a s o.com. Forward slash podcast BoldBrush. But also like to give a huge thank you and shout out to Chelsea classical studio for their continued support in this podcast. If you're interested in archival painting supplies handmade with a lot of patients go check out their Instagram at CCS fine art materials. Yeah, yeah, it's extremely supportive, which that's the other really cool thing about the calendar section of the you know, where the calendar exists is there is a way to communicate with other artists and create a community of other artists, you mind telling us a little bit more about that?
Olya Babich Konell:Yeah. So once somebody joins FASO as a paying member, they have access to the FASO RT Marketing Center. And that's what it's called at the moment. But basically, imagine, you know how when we go into a Facebook group, and we can interact and stuff, this is literally the same thing. You log into your FASO account, you click this thing, and you're in a very similar looking kind of a platform. And it's like a, it's a community. And what's nice about it is you know, if I have a question, I can go in there and say, Hey, does anybody have recommendations? I'm in the state for printing this or forgetting that or I need to pick up this kind of a canvass? Does anybody know where I can get a good like, or I'm looking to create some kind of a gift to my collectors. Do you have any recommendations and like people are so helpful. Other artists are so helpful, they jump in, they give you suggestions, they'll tell you where they got their thing they'll share about events that might be in your area. You know, it's just a really cool community. And it's growing as more of the FASO customers are getting active in there. And on the left hand panel, there's resources. So literally click, and you have the art marketing calendar, you can click and go through the video library, these are all there's ebooks, there's educational material, you can, you know, see the schedule for the next webinar for marketing or tech support or whatever. And it's just, it's just really, it's a cool place. It's cool place to come hang out.
Laura Arango Baier:Yeah. And what's cool is, since I'm also in that I actually get email notifications, because I wanted them of people asking questions, like, they'll be like, hey, there's a new note, this is a scam. And like, they'll post like a screenshot of whatever they got on Instagram. There's so many of those. And everyone's like, yeah, that's a scam? Or oh, no, well, maybe, you know, you should reach out and say this, which I think it's great. Because you don't I mean, there are so many people who get locked out of their accounts, because they don't know who to ask. And then they just mess up by clicking the link or whatever. And then suddenly, they are no longer in their account. So it's really nice to have a group of people who are experienced that you can just ask. Yeah, and especially if you're just starting out, which is also really important. So what do you think is the best part of the calendar.
Olya Babich Konell:So the best part for me, and I'm kind of torn between the two main things, the one, I love, the the breakdown, that connects with the circles of our, the circles of our marketing. So my advice would be, when you join FASO, go into the Marketing Center, go through that ebook, read that information, and then dive into the calendar, because then you can decide which column you're going to follow. So if you're brand new, you'll know you just do this, if you're, you know, halfway through your journey. So I love that break down. I love that clarity, and knowing what my actions are contributing to. So that's number one. That's like, my favorite part is, is, you know, I feel like I'm doing things with a purpose. Number two, my other favorite part is planning ahead. So something that other businesses do, and every business that I have worked with, or consulted or been on a marketing team for, we always had a, we planned ahead for the year, we literally listed out any event we might participate in. So for an artist, this would be like, I'm doing an art fair this summer, I'm gonna go to this show. But that's a networking opportunity, an art show, but I'm going to bring my own business card, so you know, whatever. And there is a tab on this spreadsheet, sort of Google Doc, that allows you to plan your year at a glance and write down these things. And then also, so important set goals. So if you're brand new, you don't know what your financial goal might be. But if you've already sold a couple of paintings, you can then decide, okay, well, I'm gonna pick a financial goal, how much I want to make this month from my prints, or I want to sell a couple of commissions or an original. And you actually write down a goal. And this is really scary for us artists to do, because we're not accustomed to that. But as a business, every business has sales goals. And so it's a weird thing that happens when we put a number in there, even if it's a small number. The world works in interesting ways. And in some way or for like, once we see that once we write that down, we naturally start moving towards that. And actually, it's so there's something psychological behind it all. But I highly encourage people to use that to set their business goals or sales goals. So those two things, purpose and clarity and the organization of the columns, and planning and then the goal setting.
Laura Arango Baier:Yes. And then I think the other best part about this calendar is the fact that if you're listening to this and you're already a FASO paying member, you already have access to this. And it is a ridiculously good source of information for if you're like on the intro, which is basically the price of two lattes, maybe three a month, depending where you are. And like you're already getting so much more than where people and like our, you know, like the competitor sites get? Oh, absolutely. Because the competitors they don't have they don't have an art marketing thing. They don't have anything specific for artists that a lot of the competitors that you know, host websites, they have some nice sites, they have nice stuff. And comparatively, they're about the same price but they're not I'm going to teach you as an artist how you can sell because their stuff is geared more towards other businesses. And I think we're in like a weird hybrid thing as artists, where we're not really business, but we are. And the way we market is totally different from a regular company. So I think the access just being so ridiculous achine for such great information that could literally take like, Come on, guys, it's like the beginning of the year, if you start now, you can take your Instagram, your business, your sales from literally zero to whatever number you want to shoot for by the end of the year. And I think now it's the best time. And you can say that whenever literally now's the time, because now I
Olya Babich Konell:know exactly, yeah. Yeah, it doesn't, you know, sometimes, sometimes we might be afraid to make a decision to start something because oh, you know, this is going on, or that's going on. But if you think about it this way, every single person that is deciding whether they should make a decision is battling that same battle, every article, you know, we are the ones that succeed, like are the ones that do and just persist, you just have to like, show up. That is literally you just have to show up and be consistent on those tiny little things. And I, I followed quite a bit of artists on different social media platforms for years. And I remember finding them when they had hardly anything going. But there's one common denominator, they were consistent. They didn't do anything grand and huge. They were just consistent and those small efforts. And now they're just incredibly successful. And it's, you know, we should never compare our beginning with somebody else's middle. And it's so easy for us to do that and get discouraged in spend three days, you know, it's the same. But it really is, it's that it's that consistency, and, you know, being able to, you know, plug away at it. Yeah, and you're not going to, you're not going to find that anywhere else. And companies that do there are, you know, other maybe competitors, or that might offer certain marketing resources, but you're paying quite a bit of a premium. And what's different about FASO and BoldBrush. And I would love for you guys to check out the mission story, I'll make sure Laura links it to the goal was to help an artist it started with Clint helping an artist. And the story is just so beautiful and inspiring. And that's, you know, as an artist myself, you know, I'm so passionate about facets and BoldBrush is mission because it's so pure, you know, yes, they're a business, yes, they have to cover their expenses. But the goal is to help artists and most of the people behind the scenes are artists, you know, their spouse is an artist, or they're somehow connected. And so it's a very passionate bunch. And that's why they wanted to make it affordable. And, you know, they want it to make it accessible, because they want artists to succeed.
Laura Arango Baier:Absolutely. And, of course, like you said, the, at the base of it all is, you know, having a nice website, which I think a lot of people don't really get this. Hopefully this gets through to more people, but your website is not going to sell for now. It doesn't matter what like what the platform says, you know, whatever is like hosting your site doesn't matter what they say. They can say a million things about, you know, oh, we have the nicest templates, or we have the nicest stuff. That won't matter if you are not putting in the consistent effort, right to market people to lead them to your site. That's almost like if you had a business that sells pizza, but people can't find you on Google Maps, because you're not putting yourself. Yeah, so how the hell are you going to help you? Exactly?
Olya Babich Konell:Yeah. Oh, absolutely. And, you know, there are certain tools that you know, for, you know, or if you get a nice website, but you don't know how to use the tools, or you don't know how to use the features it has. It's like me, I bought a really nice camera, a nice Sony camera recently, we just talked about this off the air and I Oh, it's a beautiful thing. I love looking at it. It's gorgeous. I can open up the you know, lens cover, I can close it, I can turn it on and off. And I know some of the settings. But I want to take those kinds of pictures or those kinds of videos, but unless I sit down and like figure it out a little bit, but somebody needs to give me that information. You know, so if they didn't provide helpful How to videos, which they did and like, I can go to their website and look up all the settings. That's what I've been doing is like going through this company's resources and how to use their camera. And when it comes to websites for artists, you know, you're going to get resources, but they're not going To be fine to to selling art, and it's different from selling a coffee mug, or something else, you know? Exactly, yeah, or some other products that is an everyday Central? Are is is it? It's, it's different, it's definitely, people have to connect on an emotional level with their story or on an emotional level, because it makes them feel happy. It looks pretty in their home, even if it's on that, you know, more towards that, that there is some connection that has to be made. And so yeah, it's different. But it is it is doable. Yeah.
Laura Arango Baier:Yeah. Yes, especially with the art marketing calendar, because it literally like, tells you exactly what you should be doing. Which is kind of like what you're getting with your camera, which is you're literally going there saying, Okay, you do this, this, this great did that. And then you can see the results. And then you just do it again. And again. And again. Because the only way to get better at something, the only way for things to grow is if you are being like we keep saying stay consistent in doing it. Yeah. Um, so I'd say if, you know, it is, like I said, it is a new year. And if you are not, you know, maybe last year, you said, Oh, I'm gonna do my website. And you know, maybe you didn't do it. And that's okay. This is the time, my friends, this is the time to, you know, at least try out the first month, again, the price of two or three lattes, try it out, check out the calendar. If you decide you don't want to continue, you know, you can always cancel your subscription. But I promise you that with this information, you will want to keep going and you might as well just pay for the full year of your website. So you have complete access to this amazing calendar that again, is optimized, it's updated every single month.
Olya Babich Konell:It's actually cheaper to do the full year versus the month to month. But the nice thing that month to month is for anybody that's just unsure, and wants to go in, you know, and actually just go through the resources and start it. And I think you can always switch to I'm sure you can switch from month to month to anyone. Yeah,
Laura Arango Baier:yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's pretty easy to.
Olya Babich Konell:And one of the things paying members also get, which is nice as we do bi weekly, and marketing webinars, and we have one coming up this week. And what's awesome about it, and this is another thing that you're not going to see for many, many companies is, you know, Clint joins in on most of these. And he's there. And he's also giving his feedback, because he used to be a top selling gallerist. And so he has, he understands collectors and buyers, and he can share some of that insight, which is so helpful for us, you know, to for us as artists. So it's kind of a it's a really fun session. So hopefully, whoever's listening, we'll see you at this next one, or at a future one.
Laura Arango Baier:Yeah, hopefully. And then we can just talk art marketing and success. Exactly.
Olya Babich Konell:Yeah. One thing that I'd like to highlight is the importance of the festival art community. Because the reason why that was so important to start, or to have, along with the marketing and information is, you know, we might know how to do something, we might read 10 books, we might listen to a bunch of speakers that tell us what we need to do, and we might have access to the marketing calendar. And that is amazing that we know all this information. The greatest leap in anything is between knowing and doing. And that's where the community aspect comes in. Because when you surround yourself by other people that are doing, it inspires one to do, and you see other success stories, and there is a section actually for share your wins. But when I see other artists doing I want to do too, you know, because, you know, FASO can't come to my house and be like, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, here you go, here's your laptop, get out there and do this. They can't do that. But they can create a community that inspires me to see and do and to get encouraged. And that's kind of what I'd like to leave everybody with as is, you know, the information is here. It's waiting. And then the support that will kind of inspire you to hopefully execute.
Laura Arango Baier:Absolutely. And, you know, we were talking about this earlier, too rare, like, we both have ADHD for everyone out there. And so, one of the things that has also helped me And in terms of, you know, having community and having someone else with me, you know, is, if I see them doing something, if I see that they're doing great and, and, you know, something worked out for them. It also gets me motivated to keep working because I see my body double, you know, which is what they call this, you know, someone who's working alongside you, if I see that they're working, they're doing great. I'm gonna do and, again, community, you know, it's something that other platforms will not give you, you cannot get a community, ya
Olya Babich Konell:know, and, and 100. And yes, yes, I want to just like highlight that, that has helped me so much. And it makes sense just looking at other things like that is why people go to workout classes. That is why people go to they join various support groups, or there's the sense of community makes us feel like we're not alone. And we're not, you know, we're, we're traveling this journey alongside others, and when they're walking faster, we want to keep up with them. And then when the other person starts, you know, jogging, we want to run run alongside them, and it really does help you know, help when we're struggling with our own motivation. We are we are motive for continuing as inspired by, you know, our fellow artists.
Laura Arango Baier:Absolutely. Yes. Thank you so much earlier. This was very informative, and thank you for doing this a third time.
Olya Babich Konell:Third time's a charm. Yes. It's always a pleasure to talk to you, Laura. Anytime.
Laura Arango Baier:You too. You too, and we can definitely be each other's body doubles. Yes, yes.